Welcome to the Anglican Parish of Chatham
Our Mission : "To Know Christ and Make Him Known"
The Anglican Parish of Chatham is a two-point parish consisting of St. Mary's on Wellington Street and St. Paul's on Water Street.
We celebrate the Holy Eucharist at both ends of the parish each Sunday and we welcome you to come worship with us and grow into a closer relationship with our Lord and Savior!
Read more about our history.
For service times click on the calendar of events or service times from above.
email - angpocm@gmail.com
Sunday's Readings
September 15th - 17th Sunday After Pentecost
Proverbs 1: 20-33 // Psalm 19
James 3: 1-12 // Mark 8: 27-38
September 8th - 16th Sunday After Pentecost
Proverbs 22: 1-2, 8-9, 22-23 // Psalm 125
James 2: 1-17 // Mark 7: 24-37
Thought for the Week
God has a habit of using people, their gifts, and their resources to carry out His plans. In fact, we were created to be God's deputies doing His work on earth (Genesis 1:28). As C.S. Lewis said, God "seems to do nothing of Himself which He can possibly delegate to His creatures.
- Dr. David Jeremiah "What Are You Afraid Of?"
September 15 (Food Bank Sunday) – Worship & Sunday School - 9am @ St. Mary's & 11am @ St. Paul's
September 9th – Community Kitchen @ St. Mary’s, 4PM to 5PM
September 9th - Parish Newsletter Articles are due.
September 9th - Vestry Meeting, 7pm @ St. Paul's
September 11th – Prayer Meeting @ 10am , St. Mary’s
September 12th - St. Mary's Choir Practice @ 6:30PM
September 15th - Food Bank Sunday
Check the calendar for more information.