
The Anglican Parish of Chatham: The Diocese of Fredericton

Bishop: The Most Rev. David Edwards
Rector: The Rev. Archdeacon  Perry Cooper

Deacons:  The Rev. Deacon Ted Quann &
The Rev. Deacon Eddie Quann

Vestry Members 2024

Laurie Baldwin , Karen Furlotte , Monica Green,  Gina Quann (St. Mary’s)

Bryan Cornish,  Sharon Greene,  Debbie Pleadwell,  Carolyn Sullivan (St. Paul’s)

Committees Of Vestry

Communications – Gina Quann,  Katrina Trevors

Evangelism – Rev. Deacon Ed Quann

Outreach – Bryan Cornish & Laurie Baldwin

Property – Richard Walsh & Laurie Baldwin

Stewardship & Hospitality – Gina Quann & Sharon Greene

Youth – Rev. Perry & Gina Quann

Wardens For 2024
Claire Fracker – St. Mary’s
Richard Walsh- St. Paul’s
Bill Tracy- Past Warden

The Wardens are ex-officio members of all committees, but they are more actively involved with Youth, Stewardship, and Property.

  • In the Anglican Parish of Chatham the Vestry is responsible for making decisions about finances, buildings, communications, personnel, outreach, spending, and stewardship.
  • Typically, the confirmed members of the Parish at the Annual Parish Meeting (in January or February) elect four Vestry members each year.
  • There are a total of eight Vestry members, each serving a staggered three-year term, plus one youth Vestry member serving a one-year term (if available).
  • In addition to the eight Vestry members, there are two Vestry Wardens, who along with the Rector , serve as an executive committee for the Vestry and the Parish.

Vestry Responsibilities
” To Know Christ And Make Him Known”

  • Vestry Member have the responsibility to serve the entire Parish as the entire Parish elects Vestry Members.
  • In order to carry out their responsibilities, Vestry Members must participate in one of eight Vestry Committees: Communications, Education, Evangelism, Outreach, Property, Social/Hospitality, Stewardship, and Youth. Vestry members may serve on more than one committee.
  • Each Ministry Committee is to add to their committee from members of the congregation. Other Vestry members may also serve on the committee.
  • Each Ministry Committee will meet once a month (outside of Vestry) to plan and implement plans and to report to Vestry via a written report. This report should be submitted to the Church Office no later than the Wednesday prior to the monthly Vestry Meeting.
  • Vestry members must attend the monthly meeting which is typically held the second Monday of each month. Each meeting begins with a devotion from a Vestry Member.
  • Vestry Members must become familiar with Canon Six (Parish Governance) of the Diocese of Fredericton.

To be considered for election to Vestry, a candidate must ( or is expected to):

  • have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, to have an active spiritual life, and to demonstrate spiritual maturity in daily living with the help of the Holy Spirit.
  • make a personal commitment to pray each day for the Parish, its clergy, organizations, and programs.
  • be at least sixteen years of age.
  • be a communicant of good standing (baptized and confirmed) or received in the Anglican Church.
  • not have previously served a full term on the Vestry within the past twelve months.
  • pledge a ten percent tithe or be working towards a tithe.
  • agree to a three-year consecutive term unless otherwise stated.
  • regularly attend at worship and other Parish events.
  • be willing to attend Vestry meetings and Vestry required retreats.
  • be willing to serve on at least one Vestry Ministry committee.
  • be willing to listen, learn, and read.
  • have a record of leadership in at least one area of the Parish’s life and ministry.
  • recognize that membership on the Vestry is a commitment to service, not a position of status nor a reward for previous service.

* With thanks to the various Episcopal and Anglican Parishes in the USA and Canada.

Vestry Prayer :

Father of all,
We ask for your blessing on our meeting tonight.
We pray for clarity of thought and unanimity of purpose in our deliberations so that the decisions we make will serve not only this Parish but the wider church.
Make us aware of our responsibilities and help us to ensure that whether the issues before us relate to spiritual or material matters, we are conscious that above all, the endeavours of our parishioners and our physical assets are directed to your glory and the spreading of the Christian gospel.
Help us not to be inward looking, but to be aware of needs in the wider community, that we in the Parish of Chatham may promote the gospel message through our words and our examples,
We ask this in Jesus’ name.

Anglican Parish of Chatham
St. Paul's and St. Mary's
(506) 773-7387

Website by MCG