St. Mary's Mini Splits are set for the winter. Please do not change the settings or turn any unit off as this is to ensure the safe operation of our heating system.
Holy Communion and the Common Cup - Effective January 5th the practice of intinction ceased and Holy Communion is now administered as was the practice pre-covid.
A Prayer Box is placed at the back of the church . Please feel free to write your prayer request on a piece of paper and place it in the box which will then be prayed over at the altar during communion.
Stamp Program – Bring in your used stamps and leave them in the designated box at the back of the church. Claire Fracker looks after this program at St. Mary's.
Community Kitchen – A friendly reminder that St. Mary’s Community Kitchen continues to operate with your ongoing prayerful and financial support. If you haven’t made a monetary gift recently , please give it prayerful consideration.
Hospital Visits – Horizon has set new guidelines for regular clergy visits ( not just palliative care). Patients or their substitute decision maker must ask the nursing staff to contact clergy to request a visit. Unless the rector is told of someone being admitted to the hospital he has no other way to find out.
Police Record Checks – This is a reminder that all parishioners who volunteer in any capacity of the church are required to have a Police Check done. Please contact the Church Office to pick up the forms required to bring to the Police Station. If you have any questions call the Office at 773-7387. Mostly everyone is due to be renewed.
Names On Sick List – It would be appreciated if there are any updates on the names of the sick who are listed in our bulletin. Please inform the Church Office if someone should be added or removed from the list. Thank you.
Parish/Family Profiles – Please update your profile if your information has changed. If new to the parish please fill out a form so you can be put on our parish list. Profile sheets are available at the Church Office.
Prayer Chain – Our Prayer Chain contact is Melanie Buckley. If you have prayer requests call or text 506-625-7477 or email
E-Offering is a great way to tithe to the church. There are forms at the back of each church for you to enroll and get started. You can choose to give on a weekly or monthly basis. If you would like to know more contact Katrina at the church office.