Thank You for all the calls, visits, especially the prayers during my recent illness. I am now cancer free. Thanks be to God. - Paul Connell
Update on St. Paul’s Mini-Split Campaign -As of the end of July, including the Strawberry Tea, we reached $9671.00 with the help of all our past fundraising efforts. Goal amount is $13000.00. For those wishing to donate in memory of a loved one , a plaque will be placed in the church listing the names for whom a memorial has been given. Please drop off memorial donations to the office. Thank you for your gifts of time and offerings thus far!
End of July - $10, 731.00 has been reached. Please drop off any memorial donations to the Office.
Thank you – A huge thank you is extended to the ACW women who dressed in period costumes to work at the ACW Strawberry Shortcake Tea on Saturday, June 29th, to the many volunteers who worked the many jobs at the Tea, to those who provided the tea biscuits, to those who gave monetary donations, and to all who attended to make the Tea a tremendous success. A profit of $910.00 was realized and will be used to support the installation of mini splits for St. Paul’s.
Memorial Donation – A donation has been made to St. Paul’s Cemetery Fund and St. Paul’s ACW by the Johnston Family in memory of Joyce Johnston who passed away July 14, 2022. Thank you.
Bible Studies – St. Mary’s Bible Study will conclude on June 23rd for the summer. St. Paul’s Bible Study has concluded for the summer and will resume in the fall.
Thank You – On behalf of the Social/Hospitality Committee I would like to thank everyone who donated sandwiches and muffins to the Mission that was held last weekend. Also, thank you to all who brought a dish for the shared lunch on Sunday. I personally want to give a shout out to the hard work of two special ladies who were so willing to help in the kitchen – Mary A and Theresa. Thank you, ladies. – Gina Quann
Saint Paul’s is starting a campaign to purchase 3 mini splits for the church- two for upstairs and one for the basement. The goal of the project is to make the church more comfortable and to reduce utility bills which currently are approx. $8000.00 per year. We were able to get three quotes and the total project is near $19000.00 , tax included. After rebates and grants from NBPower (already applied for and approved), it drops to $13000.00. The good news is that from past fundraising efforts at the church we already have $5000.00 raised for the project. We are hoping to raise the remaining $8000.00 through fundraisers and donations. If you would like to make a donation towards this project, please mark it on your offering envelope. If you have any questions oabout this project, please contact Kevin Hosman.
Thank You to everyone who brought in food for Food Bank Sunday. All is appreciated.
Thank you to the Horsman Family for volunteering to mow the lawn at St. Mary’s.
Miramichi Right to Life – If you would like to sponsor Rev. Perry in this walk the sign up sheet is at the back of each church. The walk is on June 1st.
Thank You from Isabel Jenkins and Family – I would like to thank all the ladies of the church who supplied the food for a beautiful reception after Gerald’s funeral . I would also like to thank everyone who made his funeral so special.
Thank you from Claire Fracker – I would like to thank everyone for your kindness and prayers during the loss of my brother Hal Nichol.
Water For Rural Africa – The parishes in Miramichi-Chaleur area are invited to collectively raise $2600.00 to build a solar-powered well in Africa as a way of empowering our fellow brethern. When giving please mark the funds under other “Wells For Africa’. Thank you. Note: $2506.00 was raised in the Parish of Chatham. Thank you to all who contributed.
Parking at St. Mary’s – When parking at the back of St. Mary’s , please remember to park on a diagonal so more vehicles can park there. Also, if using the back door at St. Mary’s please remember to double check the door to make sure it is latched and locked.
Thank You – I wish to send a sincere thank you to all who prayed for me, visited me, and gave me cards, flowers during my recent hospitalization. It all meant so much to me and my recovery. God Bless You All! With Love, Karen Kaiser
Atlantic Christian Ashram Brochures are now available at both ends of the Parish.
Please share with Youth Ages 13 to 19 – The St. Michael’s Youth Conference Maritimes will be held at Camp Wildwood, McKee Mills, N.B. August 19 -24.
Thank You – My sister Nancy and I would like to thank everyone for their prayers during our brother Fred Matchet’s illness and recent passing. They have been a comfort for both of us. A special thank-you to Richard Walsh whose support has been invaluable and so appreciated. Sincerely – Faye Matchett and Nancy Horne
Thank you to St. Paul’s ACW for giving Winston Trevors the Prayer Shawl, to everyone for all the get-well wishes, prayers, and for the visits from Rev. Perry while Winston is in hospital. It is all much appreciated. – From Winston and Family
Thank-you – The Fillier Family send their thanks for the cards, phone calls and visits during the recent loss of Ron Fillier, Fred’s brother.
A Prayer Box is placed at the back of the church . Please feel free to write your prayer request on a piece of paper and place it in the box which will then be prayed over at the altar during communion.
Thank you to all who donated Christmas Shoe Boxes for Operation Christmas Child. A total of 51 boxes were donated, which doesn’t account for all those who donated online. Thank you for making a child’s Christmas a little brighter.
Thank You – Thank you for the cards and wishes of condolences on the passing of our son Mark. Everything that everyone has done for us , especially Ven. Perry visitng us, has been greatly appreciated. – Ron and Eileen Trowbridge
Stamp Program – Bring in your used stamps and leave them in the designated box at the back of the church. Mildred MacKnight looks after the program at St. Mary’s. We are looking for a volunteer to look after this at St. Paul’s. Please see the Warden or contact the Church Office for more information or to volunteer.
Thank You From Ed Quann- I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and support during my recent surgery and recovery from prostrate cancer. I praise the Lord that I am now cancer free. May God bless you all.
Community Kitchen – A friendly reminder that St. Mary’s Community Kitchen continues to operate with your ongoing prayerful and financial support. If you haven’t made a monetary gift recently , please give it prayerful condideration.
Layreader Training – Have you considered training to be a Layreader? Please speak with Archdeacon Perry if you feel that God may be calling you to this important ministry.
The Fillier Family – Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. It was much appreciated.
Hospital Visiting – Archdeacon Perry wishes to remind people that unless he is told of someone being admitted to the hospital he has no other way to find out. Since COVID 19 clergy do not have access to the the patient list.
Hospital Visits By The Rector – Horizon has set new guidelines for regular clergy visits ( not just palliative care). Patients or their substitute decision maker must ask the nursing staff to contact clergy to request a visit.
St. Mary’s ACW is looking for new members. If interested contact Anna Morris at 622-0797.
PWRDF is accepting donations for humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. You can add a donation to your regular offering by marking the offering with “Ukraine”.
Police Record Checks – This is a reminder that all parishioners who volunteer in any capacity of the church are required to have a Police Check done. Please contact the Church Office to pick up the forms required to bring to the Police Station. If you have any questions call the Office at 773-7387. Mostly everyone is due to be renewed.
Names On Sick List – It would be appreciated if there are any updates on the names of the sick who are listed in our bulletin. Please inform the Church Office if someone should be added or removed from the list. Thank you.
Parish/Family Profiles – Please update your profile if your information has changed. If new to the parish please fill out a form so you can be put on our parish list. Profile sheets are available at the Church Office.
Prayer Chain – Our Prayer Chain contact is Donna Blake. If you have prayer requests call her at 627-9654 or email her at
E-Offering is a great way to tithe to the church. There are forms at the back of each church for you to enroll and get started. You can choose to give on a weekly or monthly basis. If you would like to know more contact Katrina at the church office.