Service Times

Christmas Church Service Schedule

December 24th St. Mary's - 5:00PM

December 24th St. Paul's  - 7:30Pm

December 29th - Parish Service , 10:00AM @ St. Paul's

St. Mary's

Sunday Worship Time is at 9:00 A.M. followed by Adult Bible Study in the church basement at 10:45A.M.  All are welcome to join us for Worship and/or Bible Study. ( Note: Adult Bible has not yet resumed.)

Sunday School for the children is held in the basement during the worship time.  The children join the congregation just before the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

St. Paul's

St. Paul's Adult Bible Study time is 9:30 A.M.  followed by the regular Sunday  Worship Service at 11:00 A.M. (Note: Adult Bible Study has not yet resumed.)

Sunday School for the children is held in the basement during the worship time.  The children join the congregation just before the celebration of the Holy Eucharist . All are welcome to join us for Worship and/or Bible Study.

Week-day Service - Thursdays  10:00AM @ St. Mary's. Check the calendar in case of cancellation.